11am-11:45am: Transitioning from Sail to Power with Josh McLean (David Walters Yachts)
Join Josh McLean for this seminar geared toward experienced sailors looking to switch to powerboating. It covers key differences, handling techniques, and essential maintenance to ensure a smooth and informed transition to motorized boating.
12pm-12:45pm: Proper Dockage (AERE Marine Group)
1pm-1:45pm: Five-Day Powerboat Cruising Course with Captain Paul Records (In-Command Seamanship Training)
The Five Ps (Purpose, Purchase, Plan, Prepare, Push-off). Join this seminar for an introduction to In Command Seamanship’s 5-day Powerboat Cruising Course.
2pm-2:45pm: Fiberglass & Non-Skid Deck Repair Options with JB Currell (Re-Deck by Gibco Flex-Mold)
This seminar is for any boater who has experienced damage to their nonskid pattern or had to go through the grueling experience of realizing their deck needs repair. Learn proper procedures for drying out wet core and repairing a fiberglass deck – including Gelcoat and paint applications.
3pm-3:45pm: Sailing Offshore to the Caribbean with David Lyman (Cruising World)
Are you considering an offshore sail to the Caribbean this fall; on your own boat, or on someone else’s? David has made the voyage from Newport to the Caribbean more than a dozen times, on his own boats and delivering OPB, and has written about those voyages in numerous magazines. Learn what constituted the ideal offshore boat, necessary equipment, costs, destinations and crews. He’ll cover routes, rallies, the stop in Bermuda, and where to park your boat in the islands once you get there. Questions and advice are encouraged.
4pm-4:45pm: Cruising the Islands of the Eastern Caribbean with David Lyman (Cruising World) & Lexi Fisher (Doyle Guides)
Are you looking forward to exploring the Eastern Caribbean, or just dreaming about a two week bareboat charter, or maybe even an entire season there on your own boat? David has spent more than 20 seasons around the islands on his boats and others. He is joined by Lexi Fisher, Editor from Doyle’s Guides to the Caribbean. Lexi was born on the islands and knows them well. Together they will lead you through the islands, covering what each island has to offer. They cover anchorages, harbors, marinas, hiking trails, provisioning, and where to get things fixed. David covers anchoring, navigation, and pre-arrival research. Questions and shared experiences are encouraged.